Soul Ties

If you have been involved sexually outside of marriage it is wisdom to  cut soul ties with former partners.   As two become one in the sexual union, only God can undo the emotional and spiritual bonds formed with another.


Soul ties within the marriage context: Sexual Relations

Genesis 2:24 “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

A man was created to be joined with one woman. The two become one.

Centuries ago, marriage contracts did not exist. There was no courthouse nor judge to perform ceremonies, hence marriage was defined as individuals who are in a sexual relationship. By the act of sex, two people are joined together, becoming one flesh.

Divorce and Remarriage

Unless soul ties are cut, individuals who remarry enter into the new relationship having their soul tied to a person from their past. This condition can continue and persist through several people and even for generations.

Soul ties prevent wholeness within a marriage. Soul ties need to be broken in order for healthy relationships to occur. Otherwise, stray threads of past sexual relationships tied to the wedding.

Breaking Soul Ties

Prayer, when spoken sincerely is a powerful tool that Holy Spirit uses to severe soul ties, freeing people to be whole in their marriage.

More Examples of Negative Soul Ties

1.  Sex outside of marriage. Sex unites people physically, emotionally and spiritually. Therefore deep soul ties are created when two people engage in sexual activity outside of the protection of marriage. This results in a number of problems such as spiritual and emotional confusion, obsessive and compulsive behaviors, sex addiction, etc.

2.  Looking and dwelling on sex images, objects, fetishes and memories. For example: photos of former lovers, a favorite porn depiction, a garment worn by an ex-lover, a cherished sexual memory. These activities may establish a soul tie with an evil spirit. Hosea 4:17 shows how Ephraim became “joined with” his idols.

3.  Sexual abuse or molestation. The soul tie could be created between the victim and perpetrator. Breaking this connection is possible with counseling and prayer, inner healing ministry.

4.  “Unhealthy” relationships characterized by co-dependency, guilt, manipulation, abuse, envy/lust, unnatural affection.

If any of these categories are applicable to you, we encourage you to pray this prayer:

Prayer for Breaking off Soul Ties:

“Father God, Thank You for your saving grace. Thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Forgive me for sinning against You.   I confess that ________________________     (details of the sin & names).   I repent of that sin. I renounce it now.  Lord, purify my heart from this sin, the memory of it, and any associated fantasy I have entertained in my mind regarding it.  In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any soul ties that may have been established with ____________________ (name (s).  I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for Him to do with as He wills.

Satan, I rebuke you in all your works and ways. I rebuke any evil spirits that have a foothold in me. In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ.

Father, heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties. Return any part of me that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness. I ask You to return any part of the person(s) I sinned with that has been detained in me, and restore them to wholeness.

Thank you, Lord, for your healing power and your perfect love. Would you restore me to the Original Glory You intended for me to live and walk in? Give me strength, vision, courage and perseverance to live my life for You, Father. Holy Spirit, I ask you to sanctify me inside and out. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”




To learn more about soul ties read this article.

For further reading another article.